Cameron Wilson
B.A. Visual Communications
My illustrations and design deal heavily with the imagination and I draw inspiration from the myths of antiquity. Mythology plays a crucial part in my creative process it is vast pool within which the stories of heroism, tragedy, great falls, and great redemptions live; Our mythologies serves as a medium to facilitate the innate human desire to imagine and create. I am drawn to simplification but not at the expense of visual interest as such I like to think of my style as a kind of simplistic ornateness. I have been influenced by several well-known fine artists such as Alphonse Mucha, Yoshitaka Amano, as well as more commercial artists such as Lois Van Barle, Jae Lee, and Chris Bachalo.
A strong theme throughout my designs is the imagination which is defined as the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images and concepts of external objects not present to the senses. The ultimate goal of my designs and illustrations is to stimulate the imagination of the viewer. I like to add subtle hints of whimsicality and mystery that cause the viewer to look and wonder at the bigger story surrounding the image, and if possible, to inspire them to create something of their own and spread the beauty of art further in the world. In my thematic work with the mythological and fantastic I wish for my work to use these subjects to speak to the imagination of the viewer and help guide them into the state of the fanciful where their own creative identity can flourish.

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2013 Illustrator 8.5 x 11

2013 Photoshop 8.5 x 11

2013 Illustrator 8.5 x 11

2013 Illustrator 3.5 x 3.5

2013 Illustrator 11 x 17

2013 Illustrator 12 x 18

2013 Photoshop 8.5 x 7.5

2013 Illustrator 11 x 8.5

2013 Illustrator 11 x 8.5

2013 Illustrator 8.5 x 11

2013 Photoshop 8.5 x 11