Jessica Therres
B.F.A. Ceramics
Before I decided to pursue my art education, I was unaware of my future and what it had in store for me. I knew I had a keen eye to detail, whether that be setting the table at dinner or choosing how to arrange a room. My style in art and in life is simple yet bold, simple because it is not too busy, but bold in the way your eye is drawn to look closer. Pottery to me is a way to express myself to the world and for the world to interpret it as they please. I aspire to make eye-pleasing works of art; pieces that someone who does not have an art background can respect and relate to, pieces of art that people will want in their home. I show my love and passion for art through hand thrown objects. I aspire to make functional pottery that people can either use in their everyday life or they can set on a shelf to be seen as art. However my pottery is used, it still represents me in its simplistic form and heavy attention to detail.
The fact that I can sit at a wheel with clay and water and form a beautiful vase with only my hands still amazes me. I focus on wheel thrown pottery and for this exhibition I have placed an emphasis on texture and glaze. I wanted to showcase my diverse throwing skills through different forms, including: bowl, plate, vase, lidded jar and pitcher. I am using different methods to execute texture throughout my pieces, including slip decoration, relief, and cutout. I apply these different methods of texture before the bisque firing, normally when the clay is in its leather hard stage. Through glazing I wanted to complement the texture and form of the piece, mostly using only one or two glaze colors. I like to use smooth, clean surfaces before I apply any texture because I like the way the eye flows with the natural form. The natural form is the sculpted form of the pot from the initial throwing stage. My work tends to stay true to the form I originally threw and when I add a handle or spout I like to extend the natural form to make it flow as one piece.

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2013 Clay 7x6.5x6.5

2013 Clay 7.5x5.5x6

2013 Clay 7.25x5x5

2013 Clay 4.5x8x8

2011 Clay 8.5x4.5x4.5

2013 Clay 1.5x8.25x8.25

2013 Clay 7x5x5

2013 Clay 6.5x7.5x6.5

2012 Clay 3 pieces set