Jacob Hurley
B.F.A. Drawing
I create Neo Surrealist drawings. If you consider surrealism as a fragmentation of imagination/dreams/the universal unconscious, then think of my work as enhanced surrealism that’s trying to piece together what’s being fragmented; to pinpoint the nature of dreams. Most surrealism is visually stimulating, but the subject matter is so random. Not until you learn more about the personal experiences, behavior, and quirks of the artist does the subject matter become more intentional, ideal, and fixed. To me, the most ideal surrealism is artwork that can transcend the artist personal story and become statements of universal truths. Therefore, my process incorporates getting out of the way and having no personal filter in which the “unconscious” images are channeled through – I remove myself from the equation in order to create surreal artwork that needs no background explanation – that way it’s more timeless. I’ve heard surrealism described as “snapshots into the subconscious.” More than random flashes of the dream world, my work takes the most well-timed snapshot into the subconscious to highlight its raw spirit.
Using automatist techniques among others allow me to arrive at a product in which my own intention is at a minimum. My only intention is to have no intention, in order to channel raw, organic flow. Divine creativity. I trace an imaginary line on the paper and my drawings create a window into another realm where you can see this pure creative flow of lines and form. When I reach a certain state and entirely remove my intention, I feel as though I’ve become a conduit channeling this organic “live feed” and the drawing draws itself. It’s not my work.
How does one take these snapshots – or pinpoint this realm of organic flow – with the least intention possible? This process incorporates both technical methods like layering of automatist textures and conceptual methods like lightly guiding the subject matter of my thoughts, which in turn works its way (subconsciously) into the subject matter of my art (i.e. instead of drawing an elephant, I think about elephants while mindlessly drawing abstract lines). Imagine that subconscious flow and dreams have meaning behind them (holding ultimate truths) in which we can unlock. I believe, using the right process within the right setting, it is possible to capture characteristics of the true nature of the universal unconscious because when an artist removes intention; they can channel the raw spirit of life.

Jacob Hurley, B.F.A. Drawing
Collaboration with
Juan Soto Bown, IDIS - Music Technology/Philosophy
Study on Binary Opposition - Calm and Storm
Mixed Media
Jacob Hurley and Juan Soto Bown collaborated on a mixed media piece examining the relationship of opposites. Using each of their artistic specialties, drawing and music production, Hurley and Soto Bown laid down a framework that allowed them to focus on the core elements that constitute the chosen pair. In this particular study, they explored calm and storm.
After having a centralizing meditation session, one artist captured the essence of calm while the other did the same for storm. Upon completion, the artist switched topics. A launching point was created using the combination of the previously completed artwork as well as the core idea itself. They arrived at the end of this process with four works, two for calm and two for storm, created in opposite order. The first drawing inspired the second song and the first song inspired the second drawing. The different degrees of inspiration created a multilayered environment that captured an essential characteristic of inverses.
Additionally, the nature of each artist was revealed because of the extent of the adaption necessary to achieve the method authentically. For example, both artists concluded that their end result did not perfectly match their ideal aesthetic, but that it was necessary to accurately capture calm and storm. Intentionally leaving the particular order out of the description, the artists encourage the audience to decide for themselves which drawing/music came first, and whether the two mediums successfully match each other and the chosen topics.
Jacob Hurley
B.F.A. Drawing
Dictation - Wow, Now That’s Automatism
I stumbled upon this method of written artwork in a truly Neo Surrealist way. I found an application called “Dictation” which allows me to talk into the microphone while my computer transcribes my words into text. It didn’t take long before playing with a mechanical tool became a process of refining some of the purest automatist writing. My incoherent gibberish evolved into complete abstract sound until the computer was forced to match the most nonsensical noise with words within its database. Becoming a conduit I streamlined random sounds quickly and unintentionally, creating a window looking into the other side. While these words are as organic as Automatism can provide, there seem to be a couple interconnecting and mysterious concepts presented in the text of Dictation - Wow, Now That’s Automatism. Out of thin air.
Click to enlarge

"A Glimpse Of An Octopus Sucking The Brains Out Of A Gary Busey Look-A-Like Strawberry On The EAC" 2012 Mixed Media 11×8.5 inches

Bonobo, Thing, King 2013 Sharpie 42×39 inches

2012 Graphite 13×17 inches

2012 Graphite 18×24 inches

2013 Graphite 10.5×13.75 inches

Bonobo, Thing, King 2013 Sharpie 42×39 inches

2013 Graphite 8.5×11 inches

2013 Graphite 2.25×3.25 inches

2013 Graphite 8.5×11 inches

2013 Graphite 10.5×13.75 inches