Kimberley Nguyen
B.F.A. Graphic Design
Design holds a sense of power; the power to evoke feelings, influence opinions, and persuade action. Look around. . .design is everywhere – advertisements, websites, billboards, brochures, packaging, and the list goes on. These things overall impact our society and shape who we are. As a designer, I have that responsibility to utilize that power and apply it efficiently. I take pride in creating useful, functional, and intelligent designs that at the same time demonstrates attractiveness and an overall wow factor. I want to grab the audience’s attention, and keep it.
As important to me as making sure my designs are communicated easily and quickly, I strive to make sure that my designs are memorable! As I progressed as a designer, I grew to appreciate simplicity and I became more minimal in style. I gravitate toward clear and simple, yet unique and creative solutions. See, it’s simple to create a complicated design, but it’s complicated to create a simple design.
My creative process begins with coffee - of course, then research and more research. I ask countless questions in order to get all the information I need to fully understand any project I approach. I venture through all possible avenues to find inspiration – from my own noggin, books, the Internet, conversations, traveling, anywhere and everywhere. After brainstorming, I sketch, refine, execute, refine, refine some more and then I finalize for production. I make sure all questions are answered, all problems are solved, and everything works harmoniously, neatly, and functionally - a Kimplete Design!

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DIRT is a condiment and bath product line for all natural, organic ingredients that together create healthy face and body cleansers, scrubs, and masks. And because these products are all-natural ingredients, they can also be consumed in all your favorite daily foods and beverages. To see more, check out kimpletedesign.com

The theme for Salisbury University’s Fall 2013 49th Biannual Senior Art Show is “Visionary Voyage”. The 21 graduating art seniors display their creative journey / ‘visionary voyage’ as an aspiring artist at Salisbury University through two art exhibitions. Above shows the poster I designed for the show.

WUJS Israel provides young Jews with a holistic experience that will help them grow personally and professionally, while strengthening their connections to Israel, and carving their own path to Judaism. Check out www.wujsisrael.org for more information. To see more promotional items, check out kimpletedesign.com

Bike-SBY is a newly created network of bike lanes in Salisbury, MD. The intent of this network is to have safe bike lanes that people in Salisbury can use daily to get to and from their home to their place of work or school. For more information, check out www.bike-sby.org. To see more designs for this advertising campaign, check out kimpletedesign.com

Every spring semester, the Multicultural Program at Salisbury University organizes a festival showcasing all the clubs within the program. This years theme is Roots, Rhyme, and Rhythm which I have handcrafted the type to form a saxophone for the t-shirt design.

Originally from the word ‘forbidden’, it is respelled to consider the thought of biting or something to be bitten into. Forbitten specializes in making gourmet candy apples. Since the core of the product is an apple, the name forBITTEN was given referring to the Forbidden Fruit, which is typically portrayed as an apple from the story of Adam and Eve. To see more, check out kimpletedesign.com

This font was developed to make your text messaging experience the more fun! Txt Mess gives your special messages a personality. Like in a real life conversation, ones eyes are engaged with the other and from the eyes in Txt Mess, you can get a better sense of emotion than just words written in a text message. To see more, check out kimpletedesign.com

1 out of 3 poster campaign for South By Southwest (SXSW), a ten-day long set of film, interactive, and music festivals that take place every spring in Austin, Texas. These festivals are the breeding ground for new and talented upcoming artists and emerging technology. Other event items include a staff badge and brochure. To see more, check out kimpletedesign.com

Lush Life is a new up and coming musical duo with jazz, pop, r&b, indie rock, and soul influences. The meaning behind ‘lush’ simply means serene, extravagant, and beautiful. The double ‘LL’ representing Lush Life creates a frame. This frame is used as a brand strategy for fans to give a focus on the things that make their lives ‘lush’. To see more, check out kimpletedesign.com

This beautiful couple loved to start their day with a bike ride together. After 10 years of dating, they finally tied the knot on September 30, 2012. Their outdoor rustic-themed wedding was perfect for the start of the fall season! Other wedding designs included: Save-the-date postcards, invitations, ceremony program, wine menu, signs, escort cards, table numbers, thank you cards, etc. To see more, check out kimpletedesign.com

The phrase turned into the newest coffee brand name, “Up And At ‘Em” means to “Get going, get busy, as in Up and at ‘em - there’s a lot of work to be done”, which is one of the main reasons why most people drink coffee... to stay awake! And with such energy only makes sense to create a design as energetic to accompany it. This brand extended to a promotional College Survival Kit. To see more, check out kimpletedesign.com

Just Good is a marketplace that connects conscious products with consumers and influences buying behaviors to support a vision for a better world. Think watches that plants trees, shirts that provide drinking water, and scarves that empower women all across the world! Although people are multiplying, resources are not. As a society, we must calibrate our lifestyles with the planet and reward businesses that are working towards a future we all want to live in. To see more, check out kimpletedesi