Sophia Park
B.F.A. Painting
My mind is like a messenger for delivering thoughts and ideas through to my fingertips. My interest in Expressionism and Minimalist Movement is a vast source for my ideas to begin to flow. Experience from my everyday life is what I find motivating because everyone takes different approaches to life.
My current body of work is centered on an idea that came from reading books about women in history who have played a noteworthy role in shaping the work of famous men in the art world such as Andy Warhol, Ernest Hemingway, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Without the imprints these women made on the lives of these men, their work may not have been as influential and renowned as it is today. As Hemingway would say, “There is a heroine for all my stories.” In my paintings, I want to bring to light these strong and empowering women who remain anonymous in history as the heroine in my art. I am fascinated with analyzing the mind of a woman because I, too, am a woman, so I feel as though I can better relate this to my work.
In my artworks, I want to place these women of strength and courage in an environment completely out of their element and into the world of artistic mind flow. The women in my paintings do not make eye contact with the viewers because I want the audience to feel as though they are looking into the minds of women who have been swallowed into the art world, and who struggle to adapt to the environment around them. I want the viewers to look into the life of these women’s everyday experiences and their behavior.
Although women like Hadley Richardson and Mamah Borthwick may not have known they would have created such an impact on Hemingway or Wright’s work, they have. That is what I want to convey in my paintings because it is a crucial part of the development of their work. My paintings represent memory. Memory is the who, what, where, and when in our everyday lives. I am more interested in the parts of the female figure that fascinate me rather than creating a picture perfect image.

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2013 Oil on canvas 46 x 35

2013 Oil on canvas 40 x 40

2013 Oil on canvas 49 x 33

2013 Oil on canvas 37 x 30

2013 Oil on canvas 38 x 30

2013 Oil on canvas 50 x 30

2013 Oil on canvas 24 x 18

2013 Oil on canvas 33 x 43

2013 Oil on canvas 45 x 36